dsdfamilies was set up as an online resource by two parents: Ellie and Laurie, in 2011. Their objective was to provide a reliable and practical source of advice from both peers and doctors, and to have the chance to exchange ideas which were open-minded and, at heart, optimistic.
The resource was very quickly adopted internationally by healthcare experts and families. Over the years we have counselled many families, hosted family days, contributed to numerous public engagement/media articles, developed resources and spoken at international medical conferences.
Since 2011 we have worked closely with all leading family and adult groups in the UK, in Europe and in the USA.
Over the years many other volunteers became involved in the development of dsdfamilies. Miriam M and Dr Nina Callens co-produced www.dsdteens.org on behalf of dsdfamilies, with illustrations by Emily Quinn. Together with Ellie they co-produced Top Tips for Dilation, designed by Emily Tulloh. Many healthcare professionals contributed in various ways to the success and growth of the organisation and we are grateful to them all. We would in particular like to thank Charmian Quigley and John Achermann for their continued support of our work.
Our publication ‘When your baby is born with genitals that look different’ has been translated in 14 languages. Another publication, Top Tips for Dilation, is disseminated by the British, European and International Professional Associations for Adolescent Gynaecology.
Laurie stepped down from day-to-day management of dsdfamilies in 2013 for health reasons. Ellie is currently re-involved as one of the small part time work team.